Greenhouses require a great deal of work but offer the
reward of nourishing and delicious vegetables. A greenhouse evaporative cooler
removes heat and moisture from the greenhouse so that it does not become too
hot for the plants and vegetables. Evaporative coolers can be purchased at
stores, or you can make your own. A good homemade evaporative cooler should
lower the temperature in a greenhouse by 10 to 15 degrees. They are mostly used
in areas where the temperature in a greenhouse can exceed 115 degrees
Fahrenheit. A homemade evaporative air cooler pumps water through a pipe, then
spreads cooled air through the greenhouse using a fan with a filter.
1 Cut around the edges of the filter pad so that it fits
entirely over the front of the box fan.
2 Drill a hole in each corner of the fan and attach the filter
over the fan with screws. It should fit completely without being loose.
3 Drill a hole in the side of the fan that is large enough for
the perforated PVC pipe. Push about half an inch of the PVC pipe through the
hole and glue around the outside rim of the pipe where it is inserted into the
fan. Let it dry completely.
4 Fill a small garbage can three-fourths full of water.
Submerge the pump and attach the other end of the PVC pipe to the pump.
5 Place the fan on a small table. Place the garbage can next
to the table on the floor next to the box fan. Turn the pump and the fan on to
cool the greenhouse.