
Why to Install Evaporative Coolers

   If you are constantly worried with the rising electricity bills. you have a good reason to replace your air conditioner with aportable air cooler. The evaporative air cooler uses electricity 75% less than the traditional air conditioner. Moreover, the very cost of evaporative coolers is almost half the price of other modern cooling mediums. Another reason for installing evaporative coolers is the ease of installing it. They require an electricity of just 120-volt to operate and can be easily plugged into any outlet.
Evaporative air  cooler
   If you are still wondering as why to install evaporative coolers, there are a few characteristic features that can answer your question. Moisture is added to the air by the swamp coolers that prevents wooden fabric and furniture from becoming dry. Moreover, the wet pads in the coolers prevent pollutants and pollens from entering the room. keeping it pollution and germ free. The small air coolers require very little duct system as they can be easily placed in windows and other places.

1 comment:

  1. useful information!
